Monday, June 11, 2007

3. Preparation Workshop - Besingazi Ngokusiyazi

We had an adventurous day today!
It was somewhat of a knowledge cram. Thanks to Ulf Kaschl (visitor of Germany and biology teacher, who already visited us two weeks ago) for imparting his knowledge on ocean currents and marine life, particular in South Africa.

We adventured out to Granger Bay Beach looking at Kelp and other animals that live in the sea, but also at waste and litter spoiling Cape Town's precious coastal enviroments. Did you know that a turtle dies when it confuses a plastic bag with a jelly fish?

Furthermore we made our way to the Two Oceans Aquarium ( where we went around looking at the different creatures and also talked about the Great White Shark - its behaviour, habitat and its supposed danger to human life (here you find more information on the Great White Shark We also witnessed the feeding of the fish predators at 3 p.m.

Cherish every opportunity you get in life.
"Besingazi Ngokusiyazi." - (We never knew, now we know.)

Sakhe and Sarah, 09.06.2007

Our sincerest thanks to the Two Oceans Aquarium for sponsoring this visit! This was a great opportunity for the Team SA to come in close touch with Cape Town's underwater world. Keep up the good work! Very special thanks also to Ulf Kaschl, Biology teacher at the State School for Gifted Children in Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany ( for preparing this sessions! It was a great pleasure working with you - come back soon!

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